Motion - Support Question 2009x 06x 13x 161505

sync error + mcapture error


When I try to start motion with a custom config file, I always get the following output. The webcam is a Sepia model, lsusb identifies it as "ID 093a:2600 Pixart Imaging, Inc. Typhoon Easycam USB 330K (newer)/Typhoon Easycam USB 2.0 VGA 1.3M/Sansun SN-508".

Sorry for the long config file, but it might harbor something I can't see, but you can...

Thank you in advance

thunderbird@ThunderBird-desktop:~$ motion -n -c ~/motion/motion.conf
[0] Processing thread 0 - config file /home/thunderbird/motion/motion.conf
[0] Motion 3.2.11 Started
[0] Thread 1 is from /home/thunderbird/motion/motion.conf
[1] Thread 1 started
[1] cap.driver: "pac7311"
[1] cap.card: "VGA Single Chip"
[1] cap.bus_info: "0000:00:1d.2"
[1] cap.capabilities=0x05000001
[1] Supported palettes:
[1] 0: PJPG (PJPG)
[1] Unable to find a compatible palette format.
[1] Using VIDEO_PALETTE_YUV420P palette
[1] Using V4L1
[1] Resizing pre_capture buffer to 1 items
[1] Resizing pre_capture buffer to 10 items
[1] sync error in proc 23246: Invalid argument
[1] mcapture error in proc 23246: Invalid argument
[1] Video device fatal error - Closing video device
[1] Closing video device /dev/video0
[1] Retrying until successful connection with camera
<then the whole thing repeats ad infinitum>


# TwitterSecuritySystem motion.conf
# This config file was created for motion 3.2.11

# Daemon

# Start in daemon (background) mode and release terminal (default: off)
daemon on

# File to store the process ID, also called pid file. (default: not defined)
process_id_file /var/run/motion/

# Capture device options

# Videodevice to be used for capturing (default /dev/video0)
videodevice /dev/video0
v4l2_palette 8

# The video input to be used (default: 8)
# Should normally be set to 0 or 1 for video/TV cards, and 8 for USB cameras
input 8

# The video norm to use (only for video capture and TV tuner cards)
# Values: 0 (PAL), 1 (NTSC), 2 (SECAM), 3 (PAL NC no colour). Default: 0 (PAL)
norm 0

# Rotate image this number of degrees. The rotation affects all saved images as
# well as mpeg movies. Valid values: 0 (default = no rotation), 90, 180 and 270.
rotate 0

# Image width (pixels). Valid range: Camera dependent, default: 352
width 320

# Image height (pixels). Valid range: Camera dependent, default: 288
height 240

# Maximum number of frames to be captured per second.
# Valid range: 2-100. Default: 100 (almost no limit).
framerate 50

# Minimum time in seconds between capturing picture frames from the camera.
# Default: 0 = disabled - the capture rate is given by the camera framerate.
# This option is used when you want to capture images at a rate lower than 2 per second.
minimum_frame_time 0

auto_brightness off
brightness 0
contrast 0
saturation 0
hue 0

# Motion Detection Settings:

# Threshold for number of changed pixels in an image that
# triggers motion detection (default: 1500)
threshold 1500

# Automatically tune the threshold down if possible (default: off)
threshold_tune off

# Noise threshold for the motion detection (default: 32)
noise_level 32

# Automatically tune the noise threshold (default: on)
noise_tune on

# Despeckle motion image using (e)rode or (d)ilate or (l)abel (Default: not defined)
# Recommended value is EedDl. Any combination (and number of) of E, e, d, and D is valid.
# (l)abeling must only be used once and the 'l' must be the last letter.
# Comment out to disable
despeckle EedDl

# Ignore sudden massive light intensity changes given as a percentage of the picture
# area that changed intensity. Valid range: 0 - 100 , default: 0 = disabled
lightswitch 25

# Picture frames must contain motion at least the specified number of frames
# in a row before they are detected as true motion. At the default of 1, all
# motion is detected. Valid range: 1 to thousands, recommended 1-5
minimum_motion_frames 5

# Specifies the number of pre-captured (buffered) pictures from before motion
# was detected that will be output at motion detection.
# Recommended range: 0 to 5 (default: 0)
# Do not use large values! Large values will cause Motion to skip video frames and
# cause unsmooth mpegs. To smooth mpegs use larger values of post_capture instead.
pre_capture 5

# Gap is the seconds of no motion detection that triggers the end of an event
# An event is defined as a series of motion images taken within a short timeframe.
# Recommended value is 60 seconds (Default). The value 0 is allowed and disables
# events causing all Motion to be written to one single mpeg file and no pre_capture.
gap 15

# Image File Output

# Output 'normal' pictures when motion is detected (default: on)
# Valid values: on, off, first, best, center
# When set to 'first', only the first picture of an event is saved.
# Picture with most motion of an event is saved when set to 'best'.
# Picture with motion nearest center of picture is saved when set to 'center'.
# Can be used as preview shot for the corresponding movie.
output_normal center

# The quality (in percent) to be used by the jpeg compression (default: 75)
quality 75

# Text Display
# %Y = year, %m = month, %d = date,
# %H = hour, %M = minute, %S = second, %T = HH:MM:SS,
# %v = event, %q = frame number, %t = thread (camera) number,
# %D = changed pixels, %N = noise level, \n = new line,
# %i and %J = width and height of motion area,
# %K and %L = X and Y coordinates of motion center
# %C = value defined by text_event - do not use with text_event!
# You can put quotation marks around the text to allow
# leading spaces

# Locate and draw a box around the moving object.
# Valid values: on, off and preview (default: off)
# Set to 'preview' will only draw a box in preview_shot pictures.
locate on

# Draws the timestamp using same options as C function strftime(3)
# Default: %Y-%m-%d\n%T = date in ISO format and time in 24 hour clock
# Text is placed in lower right corner
text_right %Y-%m-%d\n%T-%q
text_event %Y%m%d%H%M%S

# Draw characters at twice normal size on images. (default: off)
text_double off

# Target Directories and filenames For Images And Films
# For the options snapshot_, jpeg_, mpeg_ and timelapse_filename
# you can use conversion specifiers
# %Y = year, %m = month, %d = date,
# %H = hour, %M = minute, %S = second,
# %v = event, %q = frame number, %t = thread (camera) number,
# %D = changed pixels, %N = noise level,
# %i and %J = width and height of motion area,
# %K and %L = X and Y coordinates of motion center
# %C = value defined by text_event
# Quotation marks round string are allowed.

# Target base directory for pictures and films
# Recommended to use absolute path. (Default: current working directory)
target_dir ~/motion/Snapshots

# File path for snapshots (jpeg or ppm) relative to target_dir
# Default: %v-%Y%m%d%H%M%S-snapshot
# Default value is equivalent to legacy oldlayout option
# For Motion 3.0 compatible mode choose: %Y/%m/%d/%H/%M/%S-snapshot
# File extension .jpg or .ppm is automatically added so do not include this.
# Note: A symbolic link called lastsnap.jpg created in the target_dir will always
# point to the latest snapshot, unless snapshot_filename is exactly 'lastsnap'
snapshot_filename %v-%Y%m%d%H%M%S-snapshot

# File path for motion triggered images (jpeg or ppm) relative to target_dir
# Default: %v-%Y%m%d%H%M%S-%q
# Default value is equivalent to legacy oldlayout option
# For Motion 3.0 compatible mode choose: %Y/%m/%d/%H/%M/%S-%q
# File extension .jpg or .ppm is automatically added so do not include this
# Set to 'preview' together with best-preview feature enables special naming
# convention for preview shots. See motion guide for details
jpeg_filename %v-%Y%m%d%H%M%S-%q

# Live Webcam Server

# The mini-http server listens to this port for requests (default: 0 = disabled)
webcam_port 0
webcam_quality 50
webcam_motion off
webcam_maxrate 1
webcam_localhost on
webcam_limit 0

# HTTP Based Control

# TCP/IP port for the http server to listen on (default: 0 = disabled)
control_port 0
control_localhost on
control_html_output on

# External Commands, Warnings and Logging:
# You can use conversion specifiers for the on_xxxx commands
# %Y = year, %m = month, %d = date,
# %H = hour, %M = minute, %S = second,
# %v = event, %q = frame number, %t = thread (camera) number,
# %D = changed pixels, %N = noise level,
# %i and %J = width and height of motion area,
# %K and %L = X and Y coordinates of motion center
# %C = value defined by text_event
# %f = filename with full path
# %n = number indicating filetype
# Both %f and %n are only defined for on_picture_save,
# on_movie_start and on_movie_end
# Quotation marks round string are allowed.

# Do not sound beeps when detecting motion (default: on)
# Note: Motion never beeps when running in daemon mode.
quiet on

# Command to be executed when a picture (.ppm|.jpg) is saved (default: none)
# To give the filename as an argument to a command append it with %f
# on_picture_save echo I would have said on save %f
on_picture_save perl ~/motion/ --username [USER] --password [PASS] --message "At %H:%M:%S Motion Was Detected" --picture %f

# Command to be executed when a camera can't be opened or if it is lost
# NOTE: There is situations when motion doesn't detect a lost camera!
# It depends on the driver, some drivers don't detect a lost camera at all
# Some hang the motion thread. Some even hang the PC! (default: none)
on_camera_lost perl ~/motion/ --username [USER] --password --message "WARNING Camera Was Not Detected"


Motion version: 3.2.11
ffmpeg version: 3:0.svn20090303-1ubuntu6 (jaunty)
Libraries: ffmpeg, mysql, postgresql
Server OS: Ubuntu 9.04

-- ThunderBird - 13 Jun 2009


- Please read here :

-- FlorinAnton - 13 Jun 2009

Florin Anton pointed to some links that give you the answer , anyway as a formal answer :

Paletter from your webcam is not supported by motion so you have to use libv4l as a wrapper to convert it.

-- AngelCarpintero - 09 Jul 2009
Topic revision: r3 - 09 Jul 2009, AngelCarpintero
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