Motion - Support Question 2009x 11x 25x 023300

Ubuntu 9.10 and Motion as Daemon


Why motion don't start as daemon on computer start.

The installation was made via sudo aptitude install motion

I configure /etc/motion/motion.conf
# Daemon

# Start in daemon (background) mode and release terminal (default: off)
daemon on

# File to store the process ID, also called pid file. (default: not defined)
# process_id_file /var/run/motion/ 

# Basic Setup Mode

# Start in Setup-Mode, daemon disabled. (default: off)
setup_mode off

After that I configure /etc/default/motion
# set to 'yes' to enable the motion daemon

It suppose that the archive motion on /etc/init.d will be call via a link on /etc/rc2.d at the machine start. so at the beginning the camera turn on but when the system ask for your password to access to your section
the camera turns off.


Motion version:
ffmpeg version:  
Libraries: ffmpeg, mysql, postgresql
Server OS:  

ANSWER --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

I have the same problem, with same version, my soltion was, edit "/etc/init.d/motion"

and insert the code (between ############insert#########)

case "$1" in
if check_daemon_enabled ; then
log_daemon_msg "Starting motion detection daemon : $NAME"

if [ ! -e "/var/run/motion" ]; then
mkdir /var/run/motion
chown motion /var/run/motion

if start-stop-daemon --start --oknodo --exec $DAEMON -b --chuid motion ; then

and change all "Directoryies" where motion is writing to Owner motion.

(PS:I am not a great programmer, but it works,

....I think it is a UID problem ..)


Hi Mario,

Sorry but this issue should be filled to ubuntu as we don't supply any rc script since this was handled by debian / ubuntu.

Anyway without logs it's kinda hard to guess your problem.
Topic revision: r3 - 23 Feb 2010, FranzFoedermayr
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