Motion - Support Question 2011x 01x 10x 221310

solid white image


when pointing a logitech quickcam color out my window, if it's a really sunny day, the image washes out becomes a solid white image. i'm unable to force motion to adjust the brightness levels. if its a really cloudy day or i bring the camera back inside the image is fine. are there any other ways to adjust the iris?

# Rename this distribution example file to thread3.conf

# usb logitech quick cam

input 8
videodevice /dev/video2
v4l2_palette 3
width 320
height 240
text_left %t FRONT
target_dir /media/storage/security_camera/front/
text_double off
webcam_port 8081
auto_brightness on
brightness 30
contrast 30
saturation 30
hue 30


Motion version: 3.2.12
ffmpeg version:  
Libraries: ffmpeg, mysql, postgresql
Server OS: linux, ubuntu 10.10
-- StoneObscurity - 10 Jan 2011


Topic revision: r1 - 10 Jan 2011, StoneObscurity
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