Motion - Support Question 2011x 01x 11x 212908

webcam server: need to NOT write jpeg files, and bind to a different interface


Motion version

I am running Motion on an embedded Linux system - on a wireless router, running OpenWRT. My goal is to create a wireless IP webcam, and also monitor some environmental factors. It's almost working. Motion is working, except for some kinks I need to work out.

So I am using the "live webcam server" configuration values to share the images on port 8081.

I have 2 questions.

1. How do I get motion to NOT write jpeg files to disk? They fill up my tiny "disk" in a few minutes. I have pored over the config values and I can't identify a setting that would disable this. Note my

on_picture_save "rm %f"

in the config file below. That seems like a kludge, and since I implemented it, things don't seem to be working quite right, so I wonder if those files are necessary.

2. The platform I am running on has 3 interfaces: lan, wan, wlan. Motion seems to bind to the lan interface. Is there a way to control which interface it binds to?

Many thanks.
daemon on
process_id_file /var/run/ 
setup_mode off
videodevice /dev/video0
v4l2_palette 8
input 8
norm 0
frequency 0
rotate 0
width 320
height 240
framerate 2
minimum_frame_time 0
netcam_tolerant_check off
auto_brightness off
brightness 0
contrast 0
saturation 0
hue 0
roundrobin_frames 1
roundrobin_skip 1
switchfilter off
threshold 1500
threshold_tune off
noise_level 32
noise_tune on
despeckle EedDl
smart_mask_speed 0
lightswitch 0
minimum_motion_frames 1
pre_capture 0
post_capture 0
gap 60
max_mpeg_time 0
output_all off
output_normal on
output_motion off
quality 50
ppm off
ffmpeg_cap_new on
ffmpeg_cap_motion off
ffmpeg_timelapse 0
ffmpeg_timelapse_mode daily
ffmpeg_bps 500000
ffmpeg_variable_bitrate 0
ffmpeg_deinterlace off
snapshot_interval 0
locate off
text_right %Y-%m-%d\n%T-%q
text_changes off
text_event %Y%m%d%H%M%S
text_double off
target_dir /tmp/cam1
snapshot_filename %v-%Y%m%d%H%M%S-snapshot
jpeg_filename %v-%Y%m%d%H%M%S-%q
movie_filename %v-%Y%m%d%H%M%S
timelapse_filename %Y%m%d-timelapse
webcam_port 8081
webcam_quality 50
webcam_motion on
webcam_maxrate 1
webcam_localhost off
webcam_limit 0
control_port 8082
control_localhost off
control_html_output on
track_type 0
track_auto off
track_motorx 0
track_motory 0
track_maxx 0
track_maxy 0
track_iomojo_id 0
track_step_angle_x 10
track_step_angle_y 10
track_move_wait 10
track_speed 255
track_stepsize 40
quiet on
on_picture_save "rm %f"
sql_log_image on
sql_log_snapshot on
sql_log_mpeg off
sql_log_timelapse off
sql_query insert into security(camera, filename, frame, file_type, time_stamp, event_time_stamp) values('%t', '%f', '%q', '%n', '%Y-%m-%d %T', '%C')


Motion version:
ffmpeg version:  
Server OS:  
-- LeeAllen - 11 Jan 2011


SupportForm edit

TopicTitle webcam server: need to NOT write jpeg files, and bind to a different interface
SupportStatus AskedQuestions
SubmittedBy WikiGuest
Topic revision: r1 - 11 Jan 2011, LeeAllen
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