Motion - Support Question 2011x 02x 12x 163456

How is it possible to restart only one thread?


Some IP cameras allow only a small number of users connected to it. Sometimes one of the IP cameras lose his network connection. When IP camera come back online again, Motion is not connecting to it. So, to prevent troubles of this nature, i use a simple script to check the connection between Motion and IP camera. If connection between Motion and IP camera does not exists, the script sending to Motion's the command "restart" (http://localhost:9080/2/action/restart - where 9080 is webcontrol_port and 2 is the thread that triggered the problem). But this action restart Motion, reading again the config files for all threads and, furthermore, is often reached the maximum limit of connections supported by other IP Cameras (other threads). The final result: gray image for every IP camera. So.. my question is: how is it possible to restart only one thread? I mention that not all used IP cameras are compatible Keep-Alive connection (reason for using netcam_keepalive off).

Thanks in advance


Motion version: 3.2.12
ffmpeg version:  
Libraries: ffmpeg
Server OS: OpenSuse 10.3, kernel 2.6.22, 64bit
-- MihaiA - 12 Feb 2011


Restart thread is implemented in GIT & SVN version.


-- AngelCarpintero - 17 Feb 2011
Topic revision: r2 - 17 Feb 2011, AngelCarpintero
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