Motion - Support Question 2012x 09x 15x 111148

Which of usb cammera cooperates the best with motion



I'm looking for a new cammera, to my store. Current one (creative vista) has very low resolution(352 x 288) and due to a two windows in the room(from time to time strong light), creative vista can't deal with white balance, that results in very dark images or very bright one, below examples: dark.jpg normal.jpg white.jpg

I've found a logitech c270 cammera, there are a lot of favourable opinion about it. Should it meet my demands?. I will be greatful for your support smile

I've run the motion(3.2.12) on the HP terminal(T5510) which works also as the router.

TIA 4 help, RS.


Motion version: 3.2.12
ffmpeg version:  
Libraries: ffmpeg, mysql, postgresql
Server OS: Debian
-- RomoSnie - 15 Sep 2012


Topic revision: r1 - 15 Sep 2012, RomoSnie
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