Motion - Support Question 2013x 04x 20x 215509

movie_filename with directories generating weird characters in directory names


I've set up my movie_filename (and jpeg_filename, etc.) to use this format (see movie_filename, below).

However, when I look at my directory it is generating things like this (see directory paths in verbatim text):

As you can see, it has garbled the directory names. I was expecting to find my files under /media/memstick/motion/2013/04/20/ for today. The memory stick is an 8GB USB stick using FAT32, mounted at /media/memstick, and the whole thing is connected via an external USB hub to my raspberry pi.

I've tried to search the web to find out what is going wrong - maybe I'm doing something stupid - but I can't work out why it is garbling my directory names like this.

Can anyone help?


   movie_filename %Y/%m/%d/%Y%m%d%H%M%S-%v

   pi@raspberrypi ~ $ cd /media/memstick/motion
   pi@raspberrypi /media/memstick/motion $ cd 2013^ZU\?\?.^ZU\?/
   pi@raspberrypi /media/memstick/motion/2013U??.U? $ cd 04\ \?^RU\?\?.^RU\?/
   pi@raspberrypi /media/memstick/motion/2013U??.U?/04 ?U??.U? $ cd 20\ H#\?\?^H.#\?\?/
   pi@raspberrypi /media/memstick/motion/2013U??.U?/04 ?U??.U?/20 H#?.#?? $


Motion version: 3.2.12
ffmpeg version: 0.8.6-6:0.8.6-1+rpi1
Libraries: ffmpeg, mysql
Server OS: Linux raspberrypi 3.6.11+ #397 PREEMPT Mon Mar 18 22:17:49 GMT 2013 armv6l GNU/Linux
-- RichardBlundell - 20 Apr 2013


SupportForm edit

TopicTitle movie_filename with directories generating weird characters in directory names
SupportStatus AskedQuestions
SubmittedBy RichardBlundell
Topic revision: r1 - 20 Apr 2013, RichardBlundell
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