Motion - Support Question 2013x 11x 05x 144119

What does emulate_motion do?


After installing motion-trunk I noticed that images were no longer being saved as before. That is, previously if I set post_capure to 25 and the gap to something reasonable like 1-3 for example, I would have expected to have at least 25 seconds of output saved after motion was detected.

Apparently however in motion-trunk only pictures where there was motion are saved. If I set emulate_motion to on, will this make motion revert to the old behavior? Or will it do the really weird thing of saving images continuously non-stop all the time?



Motion version: motion-trunk (as of nov 5 2013)
ffmpeg version:  
Server OS:  
-- AndrewK - 05 Nov 2013


Answering myself: indeed, emulate_motion will save all images continuously non-stop. Will open another topic for my problem.
Topic revision: r2 - 05 Nov 2013, AndrewK
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