Motion - Support Question 2015x 05x 17x 163746

on_event_end script log error missing


I have been using motion for a few days. It works fine, except when I attempt to add a command to the on_event_end parameter in the motion.conf script, I get no output in user.log (running raspbian (ubuntu)). My script works fine when executed in a terminal on the machine. I get no results and no log message with or without the quotes around the command line. There is also no indication that the on_event_end parameter was processed by the motion daemon.

Also, permissions on the script are set for execute properly (I have a cron job doing the task, but would like immediate action when a motion event is detected).

Is there another parameter that I should set in motion.conf ?

Thanks !

/etc/motion/motion.conf line of interest:
on_event_end "/home/pi/pushpics/ >> /home/pi/pushpics/pushlastpic.log 2>&1"


Motion version: 3.2.12
ffmpeg version:  
Libraries: ffmpeg, mysql, postgresql
Server OS: raspbian (ubuntu)
-- GilbertWilliams - 17 May 2015


Topic revision: r1 - 17 May 2015, GilbertWilliams
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