Motion - Support Question 2015x 07x 13x 031637

Daily time-lapse video only records 16-18 hours


I've been using motion for a while now to display a web cam. I don't really utilize the motion detection but I do want to produce a daily time-lapse video. I believe I have motion configured correctly and it does produce a video every day. The problem is that the video starts at 12:00am and then stops at somewhere around 6:00 - 8:00pm. I am currently running motion on a Raspberry Pi 2 using the Raspberry camera. But, I previously ran motion on a CentOS server and experienced the same behavior.
Config lines from motion.con for FFMPEG section:

# Use ffmpeg to encode movies in realtime (default: off)
ffmpeg_output_movies off
ffmpeg_output_debug_movies off
ffmpeg_timelapse 60
ffmpeg_timelapse_mode daily
ffmpeg_bps 1024000
ffmpeg_variable_bitrate 0
ffmpeg_video_codec msmpeg4
ffmpeg_deinterlace off


Motion version: 3.2.12-3.4
ffmpeg version: 6:0.8.17-1+rpi1
Libraries: ffmpeg, mysql, postgresql
Server OS: Raspian
-- PaulMcCarthy - 13 Jul 2015


Topic revision: r1 - 13 Jul 2015, PaulMcCarthy
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