Motion - Support Question 2015x 07x 30x 150540

Is it possible to track one stream for motion and record another on detection


I am tracking streams from two cameras and the resolution is relatively big, providing good quality videos but putting the CPU under heavy load. The cameras can stream 3 versions of the captured video and I would like to track a low-res stream for motion, but when motion is detected, record off the hi-res stream. Can that be done? I am using the latest sackmotion code from github.


Motion version: sackmotion
ffmpeg version: 1.0.10
Libraries: ffmpeg
Server OS: debian
-- NikM - 30 Jul 2015


I don't have a ready to use answer, but an idea how this could be achieved.

For the low res cam you would define an on_event_start script, which enables the recording for the other cam via http API actions.
Likewise an on_event_end script would then be used to stop recording of the second cam.

SupportForm edit

TopicTitle Is it possible to track one stream for motion and record another on detection
SupportStatus AskedQuestions
SubmittedBy NikM
Topic revision: r2 - 04 Sep 2015, MarkusK
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