Motion - Support Question 2015x 10x 14x 024210

LaView LV-CDP6014 network camera


I have a LaView LV-CDP6014 network camera and I cannot find a way to add it to Motion. Specifically I am using MotionEye but I don't think that is relevant to this issue. I am currently using Ispy with this camera but I need to free up my win7 pc. Ispy prefers to use VLC for this kind of camera, but I can use the wizard to get it to use mjpeg. I have tried to paste the rtsp from the Ispy right into the url box but it says it does not support rtsp. I have tried to get Ispy to tell me the url it is using for the mjpeg but it doesn't want to. I have tried searching LaView 's documentation and it says it can do it then it says I should by their NVR. Accrding to the internet LaView is the most common camera for Ispy so I would figure it would be used in Motion but I cannot find anything. I do not know how to find an appropriate url. Can someone help me please?

I am not the strongest linux admin so I don't know how to find the version(s) but Raspbian is fully updated and Motion was installed fresh yesterday.
Not a network camera


Motion version:  
ffmpeg version:  
Server OS: Raspbain
-- MichaelGoff - 14 Oct 2015


You will need to update the version of motion. Either compile from source from one of the git repos or use the testing deb packages here.
Topic revision: r2 - 22 Nov 2015, MrDave
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