Motion - Support Question 2015x 11x 30x 142402

Mask file


HI i have created a mask file, however, it doesn't seem to work in that motion is detected in the black areas. My mask is attached, could someone have a look at it and see if I have done something wrong?

Thanks in advance

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Motion version: 3.2.12
ffmpeg version:  
Libraries: ffmpeg, mysql, postgresql
Server OS:  
-- StuartBloom - 30 Nov 2015


It's all black! I can't tell if the file is correct just by looking at it, but I suggest using the command I've copies from the tutorial page to create your mask file from a jpg. This was the only way I could get a PGM mask file to work:

djpeg -grayscale -pnm [inputfile] > mask.pgm
Topic revision: r2 - 11 Dec 2015, SethD
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