Motion - Tracking Control

Tracking Control

This is still at the experimental stage. Read more about it motion tracking page.

Tracking Feature with Logitech Quickcam Sphere/Orbit

Motion supports controlling the pan and tilt feature of a Logitech Quickcam Sphere/Orbit.

Motion can move the camera to a fixed position given in degrees pan (left-right) and tilt (down-up). Movement can be set with absolute coordinates or relative to current position. There is also an auto tracking feature for the Logitech Quickcam Sphere/Orbit but it is not very mature. It is fun to play with but not very useful yet. See this topic of how KennethLavrsen controls his Sphere: LogitechSphereControl.

For a detailed description of http remote control see the section Remote Control with http.

List of tracking options Requires a tracking camera type supported by Motion. Only used for iomojo camera. Only used for stepper motor tracking. Only used for stepper motor tracking. Only used for stepper motor tracking. Only used for stepper motor tracking. The actual delay is depending on the chosen framerate. If you want the camera to move maximum once every 2 seconds and the framerate is 10 then you need to set the track_move_wait value to 2 * 10 = 20 Only used for stepper motor tracking. Only used for stepper motor tracking. Requires a tracking camera type pwc Requires a tracking camera type pwc Only used for stepper motor tracking. Motion has special tracking options which use either a serial stepper motor controller, an iomojo smile cam or a Philips WebCam driver compatible pan/tilt camera such as the Logitech Quickcam Sphere or Orbit.

To disable tracking, set this to 0 and the other track options are ignored.

  • Value 1 is for the special Motion Tracking project using a stepper motor and a home made controller.
  • Value 2 is for the iomojo smilecam
  • Value 3 is for pwc type USB tracking cameras such as the Logitech Quickcam Sphere/Orbit which is driven by the pwc (Philips WebCam) driver. To use this camera your version of pwc must be at least 8.12.
  • Value 4 is the generic track type. Currently it has no other function than enabling some of the internal Motion features related to tracking. Eventually more functionality will be implemented for this type.
  • Value 5 is for uvcvideo type USB tracking cameras such as the Logitech Quickcam Sphere/Orbit MP (new Model) which is driven by the uvcvideo driver. This option was added in Motion 3.2.8.

-- KennethLavrsen - 12 Apr 2005
Topic revision: r3 - 12 Apr 2005, KennethLavrsen
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