Motion - Trend Net
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Manufacturer of OEMed network device and IP camera hardware.

Trendnet TV-IP100

Wired Ethernet-based camera with JPEG and MJPEG support. The camera comes with a handy web-configuration interface, but it was not set to configure it's IP address by DHCP from the factory. Meaning that I had to dig out a Windows-box to configure the camera using the Windows-tool.

Pointing motion to the JPEG URL results in horrible frame rate, but pointing motion to the MJPEG URL seems to work nicely. The URLs are as follows where xx.xx.xx.xx denotes the address of the camera:

  • netcam_url http://xx.xx.xx.xx/IMAGE.JPG (for single JPEG images)
  • netcam_url http://xx.xx.xx.xx/VIDEO.CGI (for streaming MJPEG video)
-- MartinLeopold - 19 Sep 2005 -- JeffGroves - 30 Jan 2006

Trendnet TV-IP100W

Wireless Ethernet-based camera/camera server very similar to the D-Link DCS-900W. The camera comes with a handy web-configuration interface that defaults to address, so you'll have to disconnect a machine from your network and put it on the 192.168.0 address space to configure it initially.

You don't have to use the Windows configuration utility as MartinLeopold explained for the Trendnet TV-IP100 above. Just have a machine on the 192.168.0 net connected to it using a web browser. I'm pretty sure that the TV-IP100 also defaults to as well.

The URLs are as follows where xx.xx.xx.xx dennots the address of the camera:

  • netcam_url http://xx.xx.xx.xx/IMAGE.JPG (for single JPEG images)
  • netcam_url http://xx.xx.xx.xx/VIDEO.CGI (for streaming MJPEG video)
-- JeffGroves - 30 Jan 2006

The Trendnet TV-IP100W version B2 seems to be OEM'ed CellVision CAS-230W (V.2.32) cameras, while the Trendnet TV-IP100W version C1 seems to be a OEM'ed CellVision (now SparkLAN) CAS-330W since the C1 version has 802.11g support (the B2 version has only 802.11b support). I have verified that both the Trendnet TV-IP100W versions B2 and C1 cameras work well with motion. SparkLAN has released a newer firmware version for the CAS-330W (version 3.33) that can be downloaded from their web site.

I installed the version 3.33 firmware on one of my Trendnet TV-IP100W version C1 (not the older 802.11b version camera!!) cameras and it seemed to work fine. I'm not sure what changes were made between the shipped version 3.12 and the newer version 3.33. As always, USE AT YOUR OWN RISK -- your mileage will probably vary!

-- JeffGroves - 01 Feb 2007

I've once again played around with firmware versions on my Trendnet TV-IP100W, and had a curious problem with the version 3.50 CAS-330W firmware on the SparkLan download site. The camera seemed to work just fine, except that there was no GUI section to set up the Wireless part of the camera! As a result, I suggest that you do NOT use the CAS-330W version 3.50 firmware currently available on the SparkLan web site.

I did notice that Trendnet had a version 3.36 of their flavor of the firmware available, which I downloaded and which worked fine with my TV-IP100W (Version C1) camera. After I installed the Trendnet v3.36 firmware over the latest SparkLAN v3.50 firmware, the Wireless configuration section reappeared on the camera(thankfully!).

Again, USE AT YOUR OWN RISK! I've bricked enough cameras in my time due to stupid mistakes on my part. Beware! You might brick your camera by accident.

-- JeffGroves - 05 Nov 2009

Enabling User Access Control in the TrendNet cam seems to break both jpg and mjpeg requests, even with netcam_userpass. If you are having trouble setting up your TV-IP100W (or similar device), try disabling the Access Control.

-- TedTimmons - 13 Jun 2008

Trendnet TV-IP110W

Urls same as for Trendnet TV-IP312W, also see patch C54Netcam2-poc-motion-3.2.11.patch

-- OlegKr - 28 Feb 2010


Wired or wireless 640x480 IP camera with automatic night vision IR.

Same URLs as TRENDnet TV-IP410, so in my motion.conf or threadx.conf I have these 3 lines for the netcam-related settings:
  • netcam_url
  • netcam_userpass username:password
  • netcam_http 1.0

***Make sure you change for your own IP address and for your own username & password if you have them set up at all - this camera allows you to use usernames and passwords or no username/password to access the camera's images.

***For netcam_http setting I left it at the default of 1.0 which I believe does not re-use the same connection to the camera, which is less efficient on the network, but with the other 2 possible values of 1.1 and keep_alive I saw errors in the log about the netcam sending a "Connection: close" header so left the default value of 1.0 - too bad this doesn't work (camera's fault, not motion's I believe) because on wifi it cannot get nearly as many images per second as on wired ethernet. Also, the following URL for motion video worked from a browser but not for motion if I recall:
or include the username & password combination in the URL:
  • http://user:password@

for a motion video, or instead use this (below) for a single jpg image:
  • http://user:password@  
-- JonathanMcCurry - 29 Jun 2013

Trendnet IP-200

Wired Ethernet-based camera, so pointing to

  • netcam_url http://hostnameofcamera/IMAGE.JPG
  • netcam_userpass username:password
was pretty much all that was needed.

-- CriggieCriggie - 22 Feb 2005

Trendnet IP-200

seems it is also another cam with hardware/Firmware that is the same as D-Link DCS-900W (OEM'ed CellVision)

see my note above on the D-Link DCS-900W wireless cam for a mjpeg video stream and alternate firmware patches.

-- EvilPete - 25 Oct 2005

Trendnet TV-IP201

  • netcam_url http://xx.xx.xx.xx/goform/capture (for single JPEG images)
  • netcam_url http://xx.xx.xx.xx/goform/capture/video.cgi (for streaming MJPEG video)

Trendnet TV-IP201W

same as TV-IP301 or 301W
  • netcam_url http://xx.xx.xx.xx/goform/video (for single JPEG images)
  • netcam_url http://xx.xx.xx.xx/goform/video2 (for single JPEG images)
  • netcam_url http://xx.xx.xx.xx/goform/capture (for single JPEG images)
  • netcam_url http://xx.xx.xx.xx/goform/video2?img=0001 (for single JPEG images)
  • netcam_url http://xx.xx.xx.xx/goform/audio2 (for audio)
  • netcam_url http://xx.xx.xx.xx/goform/audio (for audio)
  • netcam_url http://xx.xx.xx.xx/goform/login

-- PetrKoubek - 15 Feb 2007

Trendnet TV-IP301

The URLs are as follows where xx.xx.xx.xx dennots the address of the camera:

  • netcam_url http://xx.xx.xx.xx/goform/video (for single JPEG images)
  • netcam_url http://xx.xx.xx.xx/goform/video2 (for single JPEG images)
  • netcam_url http://xx.xx.xx.xx/goform/audio2 (for audio)
Video Compression configuration must be "JPEG"

I don't how to use "MPEG4" functionalities.

-- SylvainLandry - 21 Dec 2006

Trendnet TV-IP301W

This is the wireless version of the IP301. At the 1.00-46 firmware level, even connected via wire, Motion is unable to read the video stream. The mime type is incorrect it would appear, even with the MJPEG setting on the camera. 1.00-46 is the latest firmware from Trendnet as of Jan/06 and is required for WEP encryption. The camera arrived with the firmware level36 but I did not try that level. The URLs are the same as the IP301 above, but there is also a video3 one too.

-- JohnAnderson - 14 Jan 2007

This patch for motion-3.2.7 will 'force' jpeg mode to at least work for the Trendnet TV-IP301W
--- netcam.c 2006-10-19 20:21:53.000000000 -0400 
+++ ../../motion-3.2.7/netcam.c 2007-04-18 01:21:23.000000000 -0400 
@@ -319,6 +319,8 @@ 
if (!strcmp(content_type, "image/jpeg")) { 
ret = 1; 
+ } else if (!strcmp(content_type, "image/mpeg")) { 
+ ret = 1; 
} else if (!strcmp(content_type, "multipart/x-mixed-replace") || 
!strcmp(content_type, "multipart/mixed")) { 
ret = 2;
-- Main.JayColson - 26 Jan 2008

Trendnet TV-IP312

Ethernet-based camera with MJPEG support and IR illumination

The URLs SHOULD be as follows where xx.xx.xx.xx dennots the address of the camera:

  • =netcam_url http://admin:password@xx.xx.xx.xx/cgi/jpg/image.cgi
  • =netcam_url http://xx.xx.xx.xx/cgi/mjpg/mjpeg.cgi (for streaming MJPEG video) Now the problem is that libjpeg doesn't like this.
-- SylvainLandry - 14 May 2008

Trendnet TV-IP312W

Wireless Ethernet-based camera with MJPEG support and IR illumination

NOTE: Wireless does not work when RJ45 wired LAN is plugged in.

The URLs SHOULD be as follows where xx.xx.xx.xx denotes the address of the camera:

  • =netcam_url http://user:password@xx.xx.xx.xx/cgi/jpg/image.cgi
  • =netcam_url http://user:password@xx.xx.xx.xx/cgi/mjpg/mjpeg.cgi (for streaming MJPEG video) Now the problem is that libjpeg doesn't like this. You can use admin or general user-haven't tested "guest" user.
-- JamesPurl - 16 May 2008

Trendnet TV-IP302PI

Ethernet-based camera with MJPEG support and IR illumination (ONVIF support)
  • You need to disable password protection (Setup - User management) frown, sad smile
  • netcam_url http://xx.xx.xx.xx/GetImage.cgi (JPEG)
  • video url http://xx.xx.xx.xx/GetData.cgi?CH=1 (first setting in camera video type)
  • video url http://xx.xx.xx.xx/GetData.cgi?CH=2 (second video setting type - can be mix of mjpeg or mpeg)
  • Same holds true for the GetImage.cgi command. You can have the channels 1 or 2 for different resolutions as set in the camera under video.
-- Henrik Østergaard - 7 Sep 2015

-- Steve Matscherz - 13 Sep 2017

Trendnet TV-IP314PI

Ethernet-based camera with MJPEG and H.264 streams. Also IR illumination and ONVIF support.
  • RTSP address: rtsp://x.x.x.x/streaming/channels/101
  • and rtsp://x.x.x.x/streaming/channels/102
  • Standard RTSP port 554
-- J. Newland Jan 13 2017

Trendnet TV-IP320PI

Ethernet-based camera with MJPEG support and IR illumination (ONVIF support)
  • =netcam_url http://user:password@xx.xx.xx.xx/Streaming/Channels/1/httppreview (MJPEG)
-- MichelPastor - 13 Apr 2015

Trendnet TV-IP400W

Wireless Ethernet-based camera with JPEG and MJPEG support.
Same settings as the Trendnet TV-IP100 and TV-IP200

The URLs are as follows where xx.xx.xx.xx dennots the address of the camera:

  • netcam_url http://xx.xx.xx.xx/IMAGE.JPG (for single JPEG images)
  • netcam_url http://xx.xx.xx.xx/VIDEO.CGI (for streaming MJPEG video)
Don't know for the Pan/Tilt part yet.

-- PascalF - 31 Aug 2006


This is done by sending commands to http://xx.xx.xx.xx/PANTILTCONTROL.CGI with HTTP POST. It can be simulated with:

$ curl -d 'PanTiltPresetPositionMove=1' http://xx.xx.xx.xx/PANTILTCONTROL.CGI

...where 1 is the preset you saved earlier.

Data for the panning would be (when complete):




Hope this helps someone...

-- BrianChabot - 12 Feb 2008

More information on the control protocol for the TV-IP400W and ruby /perl driver code can be found on

And the easy to use ruby driver can be found here:

-- PeterHulst - 29 Feb 2008

-- JeffGroves - 01 Feb 2007

Trendnet TV-IP410

Ethernet-based camera with JPEG and MJPEG support.

The URLs are as follows, where xx.xx.xx.xx is the IP address of the camera:
  • netcam_url http://xx.xx.xx.xx/cgi/jpg/image.cgi (for single JPEG images)
  • netcam_url http://xx.xx.xx.xx/cgi/mjpg/mjpg.cgi (for streaming MJPEG video)
-- CalvinArndt - 05 Apr 2012

Trendnet TV-IP751WIC

Ethernet and wireless-n camera with JPEG and MJPEG support. where xx.xx.xx.xx is the IP address of the camera within your local network.

You will need to disable "User Access Control" of the camera via the web configuration interface (see manual). Apparently, Motion does not work when authentication is required when accessing the URLs. Don't worry as user access control is a separate matter from the "admin password" of the camera. The admin password is only needed when changing camera settings.

Trendnet TV-IP851WIC

Wired/Wireless-n PTZ Day/Night camera with JPEG and MJPEG support.

URLs are the same as for the 751WIC and User Access must be turned off with this camera as well.

- MattSchatz - 24 Aug 2014
Topic revision: r13 - 13 Sep 2017, SteveMatscherz
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