Motion - Wait For Device

Wait For Device


w4d is a small command line program which waits for a device to be available and then exits

The idea is that you run this in your for example rc.local script before you start a program like Motion which will fail if the USB camera is not yet found by the system.

Detailed Description

The w4d (wait for device) tool simply waits for a device to become available and then exits.

In Linux when you modprobe the usb-devices everything will be scanned in an async manor, so you need to fiddle around with sleeps and such before you call a program like Motion.

w4d prevents this. It will check for a device to become available and then exit. After that you can let your startupscripts start motion for example.

Attached Files

The project is hosted at the authors website


make make install

Users Guide

Enter: w4d -h

to see a list of options.

Example usage:

w4d -d /dev/video0 -i 250 -n 10

check 4 times a second for 2.5 seconds if device /dev/video0 comes available.

Comments and Bug Reports

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ProjectSummary w4d is a small command line program which waits for a device to be available and then exits
ProjectStatus Beta
ProjectSubmitter FolkertvanHeusden
Topic revision: r1 - 21 Aug 2005, KennethLavrsen
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