Open2300 - Installation Guide

Installation Guide

How to install open2300

Placing the config file in the right directory

First copy the open2300.conf-dist file to a location where you want the open2300 tools to read their configuration information. Unless you specify the pathname when invoking the programs the config file must be called open2300.conf. If you don't install the config file, decent default units (all SI compliant) will be used.

Default locations in chronological order are:
  1. Path to config file including filename given as parameter (not supported by all tools)
  2. ./open2300.conf (current working directory)
  3. /usr/local/etc/open2300.conf (typical Linux location)
  4. /etc/open2300.conf (typical Linux location

Placing the config file in the right directory

For Windows it is most natural to keep the config file in the same directory as the executables. But for Windows it is best to specify the full path name of the config file. Most of the advanced programs in this package can take the path to the config file as a parameter. For those small tools that cannot - it is best to run the program from the same working directory as where you have the config file.

Misc. settings

In Windows you always have access to COM1, COM2 etc. In Linux it is more tricky. Make sure that the user that runs the binaries has both read and write access to this device.


chmod 666 /dev/ttyS1

will allow everyone to access COM2. (For COM1 use /dev/ttyS0 in linux.) If only a specific Linux/BSD user should access the weather station you can give only that user access to the serial device by

chown username /dev/ttyS1

chmod 600 /dev/ttyS1

If you want to use the program wu2300 which uploads your weather station data to Weather Underground you will need to register your station at Weather Underground first. You will then get an ID and a password. These must be changed in the config file. If your computer clock does not run GMT/UTC then you must also set the timezone parameter.

Building open2300 from sources

There is no configure script.

Edit the Makefile manually to change prefix and if needed install directory.

Default is /usr/local/bin

Edit the Makefile and run...


make install

If you just want the binary executable in the current directory just run 'make' and skip the 'make install'. In Windows it is probably easier to skip the make install and copy the executables manually if needed.

You can also run 'make open2300' or 'make dump2300' etc to just create one executable

To install under Windows either use the binaries or compile the sources using your favorite C compiler. The author has tested everything with the MinGW C-Compiler.

Note: Also read the README

make install only copies the most important of the binaries to the bin directory.

mysql2300 and pgsql2300

The mysql2300 program has not yet been tested under Windows and there is no binary version for Windows yet. For Linux it requires that you have the mysql client development stuff installed. As RPM it is the "mysql-devel" that must be installed. The mysql stuff will be further tested and developed in the next versions.

The Makefile fits a RedHat default installation. If you have a different placement of mysql.h and then find out where they are and change the Makefile. The -I switch is for the include file mysql.h and -L is for the library file

Because not all have MySQL installed the make all does not include the mysql2300. Run "make mysql2300" to build it.

You need to setup a database on MySQL. The default open2300.conf assumes the database is called open2300, with a user called open2300 with password mysql2300.

Run the mysql2300.sql file in mysql to create the table "weather" in your database.

The pgsql2300 is built using 'make pgsql2300'. It is only available for Linux.

PHP Weatherstation Webpage

The files in the htdocs directory is a simple PHP page. It will run on any webserver that runs PHP. Just copy the files to your web document tree. It assumes the binary fetch2300 to be in /usr/local/bin. Just change the path if needed.

In the htdocs directory you will find a file called This is an improved version of weatherstation.php which allows you to easily setup the program in your own language.

--02 Jul 2005
Topic revision: r7 - 03 May 2015, KennethLavrsen
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