Open2300 - Feature Requests

Feature Requests from Users

ALERT! This topic has been changed to a more user friendly Twiki application with submit form and a topic with comment field and form for each request. All feature requests and all the text incl answers have been transferred to the new request topics.

Submit New Feature Request

This form creates a new TWiki topic for each feature request.

  • Read through all the existing feature requests. Maybe it is already there. You are welcome to edit an existing feature request topic to add more or simply say why you also want the feature.
  • Make sure you read the User Guide. The feature may already be there.
  • Remember that Open2300 is made 100% by a small team of volunteer people as a hobby project. If you want to code the feature yourself, it is more likely to be included. KennethLavrsen always reserves the right to reject a feature if it does not comply with the original idea of Open2300 or it will slow down or maybe even break existing features.

Topic name: FeatureRequest2024x09x01x002715
Title Short Title
Submitted By Use the prefix Main. in front of your TWiki name. If you are logged in as guest write your real name
  Note: Request is submitted after you Create and Save the following page

New Feature Requests

Submitted and not yet followed up on.

Headline Submitted By Age Last Change
cw2300 Citizen Weather passcodes (patch included) JamesPerkins 3851 15 Feb 2014 - 20:46
is would be possible to adapt this for a 3600 station on a RaspberryPi? WikiGuest 3896 01 Jan 2014 - 19:13
Support WS2357-USB PascalMalaise 3970 20 Oct 2013 - 06:57
log2300 should accept a format argument PeterKnoppers 6953 18 Jul 2010 - 18:43
mysql2300 over windows GuenneguezThomas 5480 31 Aug 2009 - 12:49
Weathergraphs Server side caching MichaelPhillips 5691 02 Feb 2009 - 07:26
Heavy Weather Publisher GuenneguezThomas 5745 10 Dec 2008 - 10:28
Request port to FreeBSD ScottSpare 6336 11 Nov 2008 - 09:49
A index.html RaymondDay 5945 25 May 2008 - 09:47
It`s possible to compile it on Irix 6.5 ? DamirBuljan 5946 23 May 2008 - 07:55
Running Open2300 on a Linksys wrt54gs router with ddwrt? DaveKramer 6084 06 Jan 2008 - 00:14
Min/Max values mysql2300 Lars de Bruin Johansen 6690 04 Nov 2007 - 13:35
Unix timestamp Cerebrosus 6146 04 Nov 2007 - 13:29
rw2300 as DLL AlTestani 6729 26 Jul 2007 - 18:37
Alarm stored in MySQL database SiegfriedMarechal 6360 04 Apr 2007 - 15:26
send weather data from open2300 to hamweather,net JosephLobocki 6616 30 Jul 2006 - 21:46
Optimize open2300 for use with Virtual Weather Station (VWS) KurtLinebaugh 6715 14 Apr 2006 - 20:19
Reset Options for minmax2300 TWikiGuest 7000 02 Feb 2006 - 10:27
Port for FreeBSD TWikiGuest 6802 17 Jan 2006 - 13:13
CVS output for AmbientWeather Virtual Weather Station DavidDee 6918 24 Sep 2005 - 21:40
AWEKAS Data export MainTWikiGuest 6951 23 Aug 2005 - 09:09
User interface and examples for all the fonctions PierreLagrange 7000 03 Jul 2005 - 22:02
Number of topics: 22

Feature Requests Being Discussed

Feature is being discussed. Participate by editing the topic. You can simply use the comment field at the bottom.

Headline Submitted By Age Last Change
Add a set of functions that return errors rather than exit AndyShaw 6820 31 Dec 2005 - 12:15
Number of topics: 1

Accepted Feature Requests

Feature is accepted. Maybe in a modified form after the discussion. We do not yet know who codes it or who when it will be included.

Headline Submitted By Age Last Change
Number of topics: 0

Feature Requests on the Open2300 RoadMap

There is a plan for when it will be implemented and someone has volunteered to do it.

Headline Submitted By Age Last Change
Number of topics: 0

Implemented Feature Requests

The feature is implemented and available at least in a snap release.

Headline Submitted By Age Last Change
Number of topics: 0

Rejected Feature Requests

The request is rejected. This state is also used if the feature is already in Open2300 or it is a duplicate of existing request. Discussion can continue even if request is rejected. We may change our minds.

Headline Submitted By Age Last Change
using open2300 with JosephLobocki 6629 22 Jul 2006 - 21:55
Number of topics: 1
Topic revision: r1 - 03 Jul 2005, KennethLavrsen
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