Open2300 - Feature Request 2006x 07x 22x 215839

Feature Request: send weather data from open2300 to hamweather,net


im sorry my language is not as good as yours, i am from america and we all dont know how to speak. i was wrong, it was not weatherforyou, it was hamweather, the site owner owns both of these sites and i had them confused. but i have spoken with the site owner and he has said he has emailed you letting you know how to add weather to his site. i also have the sender code right here: dgustmph=12.5&tempf=47.30&rainin=0.00&baromin=29.26&dewptf=41.13&humidity=79 &weather=%20&clouds=SKC&softwaretype=&action=updateraw . it is similar to the way you send weather to wunderground. thank you for your help.

-- JosephLobocki - 22 Jul 2006

Follow up


-- MatthewHunt - 24 Jul 2006

Attached a patch to open2300-1.10 source distribution that adds ham2300 program. This is basically the wu2300 program with a few things changed around. There's a couple of new config options for setting the HAMWEATHER_ID and password. I haven't tested this so any feedback is welcome. It could also be combined with my earlier gust patch if you are interested in gust information (at the expense of losing the maximum gust data on the device).

I'll attach the tar file with this source in too. Compiles happily on Debian sarge linux.

-- MatthewHunt - 24 Jul 2006

Actually, you could probably achieve roughly the same result just by setting:


#define WEATHER_UNDERGROUND_PATH "/weatherstations/pwsupdate.php"

In rw2300.h

and recompiling. Then wu2300 should produce something that hamweather can use. Or you could waste your time in the code, like I did.

-- MatthewHunt - 24 Jul 2006

thank you very very much, i knew there had to be some way to get this done!!! i appreciate your help very much. debian sarge is the one that knoppix uses correct? thats what my server is

-- JosephLobocki - 24 Jul 2006

Hmm, it should be fairly simple. I got the following out of it by disabling the ws2300 functions (because I don't have my weatherstation handy) so that it just printed zero values and running in debug mode (set "#define DEBUG 1" in ham2300.c so that it prints the URL rather than contacting the site). Config file had these values changed from the default:

HAMWEATHER_ID MatthewH # ID received from Hamweather

HAMWEATHER_PASSWORD TestPwd # Password for Hamweather

Output URL was:

I've tested the same thing using wu2300 too, config:

WEATHER_UNDERGROUND_ID MatthewH # ID received from Weather Underground

WEATHER_UNDERGROUND_PASSWORD TestPwd # Password for Weather Underground



#define WEATHER_UNDERGROUND_PATH "/weatherstations/pwsupdate.php"

and doing the same messing to work without a weatherstation connected gave me:

Which should probably work (gives me the error "ERROR: Not a vailid Station ID" if I try it, which is promising).

If you're still having problems, make sure that you've set the correct serial port in the config. Also be sure to recompile after any code changes.

-- MatthewHunt - 24 Jul 2006

ok, in debug, it does put out the proper string, but after turning debug off, it doesnt do the updates

-- JosephLobocki - 25 Jul 2006

Okay, it was trying to send it to Weather Underground... I've found and fixed the bugs and attached a new patch and sources file. Let me know if it works.

-- MatthewHunt - 30 Jul 2006

  • ham.patch: Revised patch to open2300-1.10 sources

FeatureRequestForm edit

TopicTitle send weather data from open2300 to hamweather,net
FeatureRequestStatus New
SubmittedBy JosephLobocki
I Attachment Action Size Date Who Comment
ham-revised.patchpatch ham-revised.patch manage 5 K 30 Jul 2006 - 21:40 UnknownUser Revised patch to open2300-1.10 sources
open2300-1.10-ham.tar.gzgz open2300-1.10-ham.tar.gz manage 332 K 30 Jul 2006 - 21:41 UnknownUser Revised open2300 source with ham2300 program
Topic revision: r6 - 30 Jul 2006, MatthewHunt
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