Open2300 - Feature Request 2005x 08x 21x 135143

Feature Request: AWEKAS Data export


Hi I am the operator of the automatic weather map network AWEKAS ( It would be graet if your software can export a data file for awekas directly. Is it possible to generate a data file. Data specifications are at:

Best Regards Othmar

-- TWikiGuest - 21 Aug 2005

Follow up


Looked at your data specification and except for the "Change in air pressure", you could easily modify the log2300 program to output what you need (takes about 10 minutes; the code is really clear). To include change in air pressure in the last six hours you'd have to maintain a list of the values for the last six hours in a file. This would probably take less than one hour to add.

-- PeterKnoppers - 23 Aug 2005
Topic revision: r2 - 23 Aug 2005, PeterKnoppers
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