Open2300 - Feature Request 2008x 01x 05x 171513

Feature Request: Running Open2300 on a Linksys wrt54gs router with ddwrt?


reading through this site and the innovation of putting the code on a network drive made me think about using a router to do it. I'm a dreamer and not a coder - so I understand my limitations (and use this message just to share my dream for a willing developer).

I have several linksys wrt54gX routers (the older the better as older ones have more RAM). I use ddwrt firmware rather than the linksys firmware ( Since it is a linux kernel, I'd think that Open2300 should be capable of loading up on this device. Imagine having a weather station controller on a wireless network router! It would be a one step process to get the data to any remote or local server, provide protected access, and even incorporate other devices as an aggregation point (hook up IP cameras and any other IP-enabled sensor or panel).

ddwrt also has some rather nice features above just operating as a router - it can be set to run as a hotspot, do some basic dns, and be set to automatically reboot itself on a schedule. Since I don't know much about programming, I don't know what the level of effort might be here, but the end result would be one device the size of a cigar box with 32MB RAM that managed the weather station AND provided network connectivity in a fanless, quiet footprint - plus, enables network connectivity for other devices.

-- DaveKramer - 05 Jan 2008

Follow up


Basic open2300 programs hardly uses anything exotic.

My guess is that it can be compiled and work almost without adding anything else.

-- KennethLavrsen - 06 Jan 2008

FeatureRequestForm edit

TopicTitle Running Open2300 on a Linksys wrt54gs router with ddwrt?
FeatureRequestStatus New
SubmittedBy DaveKramer
Topic revision: r2 - 06 Jan 2008, KennethLavrsen
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