Motion - Bug Report 2005x 02x 12x 013830

BUG: recording stopped in middle of motion

i have a recording which stopped in the middle of motion. nothing in the messages file. but the sequence is clearly truncated. the config is set for 5 pre and 10 post frames.

angel and i discussed it:,Fri

there was a period the prior day during which nothing was recorded. while it is possible there was no motion during that period, it would be highly unlikely. there were no motion entries in messages during that period either. not sure it is related to truncation.

i inadvertently deleted the jpg's of the event which was truncated, but i do have the avi of it. i can make it available on request.

i'm not sure why, but cpu occupancy keeps coming to my mind as i think about this.

Test case

i'm not sure what to test at this point.


Motion version: 3.1.18
ffmpeg version: ffmpeg-0.4.9-0.20041110.3.1.fc3.rf.i386.rpm
Shared libraries: curl-7.12.3-2 php-xmlrpc-4.3.10-3.2 mysql-3.23.58-14
Server OS: FC3

-- JohnBray - 12 Feb 2005

Follow up

You simply expect too much from Motion.

You have a threshold value of 130 and noiselevel of 32. This means that minimum 130 pixels must change intensity of 32 steps to cause Motion detection.

This is what happened.

  1. The cat walked into the picture which caused a number of pixels to change from background to cat. This caused Motion to be detected.
  2. The 5 pre-captured images and the first motion image is saved.
  3. Maybe 2-3 images are detected as motion
  4. The cat walks so slowly and starts turning making it a few pixels less wide. It is only round 20x20 pixels on the picture. Only the changed pixels count. Motion also counts the previous motion pixels (see MotionTechnology)Motion detection stops and post capture images are now saved - total of 10
  5. The cat is gone. It seems to turn into the bushes which are dark.

See this image of the last 5 images. Only the cat part os copied into a small picture so you can see the 5 cats just below each other. How many pixels changed from background to black cat between each?

Your gap value of 3 is very low. You should choose 30 or 60 or something like that. But I do not think this is the problem. The problem is that cats are good at hunting without beeing seen by mice and cameras.

Fix record

Nothing to fix.

BugReportForm edit

TopicTitle recording stopped in middle of motion
BugStatus Rejected
AssignedBugTo KennethLavrsen
SubmittedBy JohnBray
I Attachment Action Size Date Who Comment
last5.pngpng last5.png manage 37 K 13 Feb 2005 - 11:07 KennethLavrsen Last 5 pictures merged into one picture
truncate.zipzip manage 1 MB 13 Feb 2005 - 00:59 UnknownUser complete similar event, with motion.conf
Topic revision: r3 - 13 Feb 2005, KennethLavrsen
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