Motion - Bug Report 2006x 02x 23x 163414
You are here: Foswiki>Motion Web>BugReports>BugReport2006x02x23x163414 (28 Feb 2006, AngelCarpintero)Edit Attach

BUG: disk full

when get diskfull and motion try to save image os mpeg motion crash and exit without messages, maybe insert syslog messages and stop write, when diskspace get back start writing from the time where we are

Test case

save images on a floopy or pendrive or something small and run motion to save images or film there


Motion version: 3.2.4
ffmpeg version: any
Shared libraries: ffmpeg, mysql, postgresql
Server OS: any

-- RobertoSpadim - 23 Feb 2006

Follow up

Could you give us more details , because is not the same issue to crash when is trying to write a image or a movie , even for movie there're 2 differents issues current movies or timelapse movies.

If the problem happens when motion attemps to open the file a syslog message is written ( look to myfopen() function in motion.c ) otherwise problem is writting data / flushing buffer to disk but one is done by jpeglib (images) and ffmpeg (movies). So please try to write down a more detailled bug report.

-- AngelCarpintero - 28 Feb 2006

Fix record

Topic revision: r2 - 28 Feb 2006, AngelCarpintero
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