Motion - Bug Report 2006x 12x 03x 073610

BUG: Captured images become corrupted on FreeBSD (6.2-RC1)

Motion 3.2.7 corrupts captured images on FreeBSD. Only about 20% of the actual PAL image area at the top of the image is used. The rest of the image area is left green. In the area used there seems to be only a fraction of the camera scan lines. It looks like motion is skipping some lines entirely and then again capturing one line, skipping a few lines again and again scanning a single line. The result looks like the image had been compressed in vertical, but stretching with e.g. xv reveals that the vertical direction has become very coarsely pixelized. Some scan rows have been simply lost.
A sample of these corrupted images is available attached.

  • Error sample:


Motion version: 3.2.7
ffmpeg version: ffmpeg-0.4.9.p1_6
Shared libraries: ffmpeg
Server OS: FreeBSD-6.2-RC1

-- JukkaUkkonen - 03 Dec 2006

Follow up

What capture card are you using ?

Could you attach your motion.conf ?

-- AngelCarpintero - 03 Dec 2006

I can reproduce your error , i've tested with a PTCV Miro pro and all work fine at 320x240, when motion start you can see something like :
bktr0 : MT2032: Companucode?3cbf Part=84 Revision=84
bktr0 : MT2032: bit found or unknown type
bktr0 : Detected a MSP3410G-B11 at  0x00

bktr0 : MT2032: Companucode?3cbf Part=84 Revision=84
bktr0 : MT2032: bit found or unknown type
bktr0 : Detected a MSP3410G-B11 at  0x00

I'm using these parameters in motion.conf ( capturing from composite1 ):
videodevice /dev/bktr0
input 0

But when i set 640x480 the problem raise ... so i'll check what can be the problem.

-- AngelCarpintero - 05 Dec 2006

Fix record

Fixed in motion svn 145 .

Please reopen if still remains.

-- AngelCarpintero - 07 Dec 2006
Topic revision: r5 - 21 Feb 2008, KennethLavrsen
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