Motion - Bug Report 2008x 06x 14x 192240
You are here: Foswiki>Motion Web>BugReports>BugReport2008x06x14x192240 (22 Sep 2008, AngelCarpintero)Edit Attach

BUG: Motion dies when running megapixel image

Motion runs for about two minutes with two 1280x1024 axis network cameras and then dies. When I set 640x480 in the resolution field in the netcam url it works perfectly. Im running motion 3.2.9 still, so not sure if this problem is "fixed" in 3.2.10 (?).

Sorry that I dont have any more data on this problem. The system that its running on is currently unavaiable so I cant get any more information at the moment.

Any input on this issue? Im guessing some kind of input buffer overrun of some sort, but thats just a wild guess...

Paste in your error messages, config settings, terminal window output etc in this text field.


Motion version: 3.2.9
ffmpeg version: 20071204-1
Shared libraries: ffmpeg
Server OS: Archlinux

-- GunnarSkjold - 14 Jun 2008

Follow up

Hi Gunnar,

Look this :

Brad runs motion 3.2.10 with Axis 211M at 1280 x 1024 , the only issue he had was with ffmpeg video , there i have attached a patch for 3.2.10 /

Please try to reproduce your problem with + patch .

-- AngelCarpintero - 14 Jun 2008

Follow up

Hi Angel

Sorry I didnt see that fix in the support section. I only checked the feature section... Anyway I have applied the patch with:
ffmpeg->video_outbuf_size = 2000000

And it seems to work fine. We can close this for now and keep the other thread updated if needed.

Not sure if I should set the status to Duplicate or Resolved.. Maybe you can be the judge of that? smile

Fix record

Hi Gunnar ,

Lets close as fixed , patch has been applied to trunk and 3.2.10 branch already . So futher issues/comments could be added in support section :

-- AngelCarpintero - 18 Jun 2008

BugReportForm edit

TopicTitle Motion dies when running megapixel image
BugStatus Released
AssignedBugTo Angel.Carpintero
SubmittedBy GunnarSkjold
Topic revision: r5 - 22 Sep 2008, AngelCarpintero
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