Motion - Create Bug Report

Submit New Bug Report

This form starts a new topic for each bug.

  • Consider filing a Support Request unless you are very sure you have found a bug.
  • ALERT! Note that you can attach your motion config files and other supporting files to the bug report once it has been created.
  • ALERT! Also note that if you want to copy/paste error logs and error messages and similar into a bug report you should put the entire text within <VERBATIM> and </VERBATIM> tags. Otherwise you do not get any line breaks. Text pasted into the "Verbatim Text" field are automatically placed between VERBATIM tags.

Topic name: BugReport2024x10x16x070548
Title Short Title
Verbatim Text:
Note: Be descriptive; the SupportGuidelines tell you what to include. You can expand on it in the next screen if necessary
Motion version: Example: 3.2.12
ffmpeg version: Example: 0.4.8 or 0.4.9pre1
Libraries installed: curl, xmlrpc, ffmpeg, mysql, postgresql
Server OS: Fedora Core 2, kernel 2.6.8
Submitted By Use the prefix Main. in front of your WikiName.
  Note: Report is submitted after you Create and Save the following page
Topic revision: r12 - 26 May 2006, KennethLavrsen
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