Crop Marks Instead of a Box around motion
Description of Patch
Makes crop marks instead of a box around motion.
You have the code, it's been submitted many times over the past two years.
Installation of Patch
Download the patch file. If it is packed as a gz or tar.gz unpack it first. Then copy it to the motion source directory and issue the command (assuming the patch file is called filename_of_patch_file.diff)
patch < filename_of_patch_file.diff
Then re-build Motion and test the patch.
Change History of Patch
There is no patch attached and who says we all want crop marks instead of a box around?
KennethLavrsen - 25 May 2006
I have a passing interest in reviving this, since I find a box around a motion area sometimes obscures details which may be important (human figures, etc).
I would work on a patch which used the 'locate' option to permit specifying 'box' as well as 'off' 'on' or 'preview'. This, I think would be the most flexible and would not detriment people who are happy with a box.
It would help to have a copy of the patch code rather than starting again from nothing.
SimonW - 04 Jan 2007