Motion - Debian Ubuntu
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Debian / Ubuntu problems


Debian , Ubuntu and others debian based distributions have a really old motion package , so many users have tons of problems. It's quite easy

to upgrade to motion stable or even use svn trunk version.


- No mpeg encoders for ffmpeg

Easy work around use your own ffmpeg build from source or get one with mpeg encoders support.

Other option is get rid of built-in encoders and use external pipe from svn trunk.

- Repackaging ffmpeg in Ubuntu ( 8.10 , 9.04 )

Ubuntu with unstripped packages :
sudo apt-get source libavformat-unstripped-52
patch -p0 <  unstripped-dev.diff
  sudo apt-get install fakeroot  build-essential
cd  ffmpeg-0.svn20080206
  sudo dpkg-buildpackage -tc -b -rfakeroot 

( problably you need to install more packages , like some dev and so on )
cd .. 
sudo dpkg -i libavcodec-dev-unstripped_0.svn20080206-12ubuntu3.1+unstripped6_i386.deb

Ubuntu UVC Video Driver Support

The latest versions of Ubuntu come preloaded with the Linux UVC video driver. This works straight out of the box with many webcams and with Motion. The support webpage includes compatibility tables plus quirks. Quirks are additonal command parameters that account for specific camera bugs, deficiencies and characteristics. Study this site to determine if your camera will work with UVC and what (if any) quirks need to be run.

-- DazzConway - 02 May 2013

Not working because paletter conversion issues

Probably because using 2.6.27 kernel that added many new palettes not all supported in motion yet.

Get svn trunk and try ... also you can try to get libv4l and run as a wrapper.

How to upgrade ?

*Get current stable kiss

*Or subversion kiss

*Check things that has changed in motion guide and also parameter names kiss

-- AngelCarpintero - 19 Nov 2008
Topic revision: r6 - 02 May 2013, DazzConway
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