Motion - Detection Ratelimit
You are here: Foswiki>Motion Web>DetectionRatelimit (30 Sep 2008, JoergWeber)Edit Attach

Detection Rate Limit Patch

Description of Patch

Limit internal detection rate to 3fps at framerates above 5fps to reduce cpu load. Picture and movie output is still at full configured framerate.

The patch is looking much more coplex than it really is. I had to indent a lot of lines. Please let me know if anything is broken. I'm not using all features every day.

Installation of Patch

Download the patch file. If it is packed as a gz or tar.gz unpack it first. Then copy it to the motion source directory and issue the command (assuming the patch file is called filename_of_patch_file.diff)

patch < filename_of_patch_file.diff

Then re-build Motion and test the patch.

Change History of Patch

  • 1.0 Initial revision

Discussion and Comments

Integrated into Trunk.

-- JoergWeber - 30 Sep 2008
Topic revision: r3 - 30 Sep 2008, JoergWeber
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