improvement of draw_textn
Description of Patch
I played a little bit with draw_textn and optimized it.
Now instead of array's, with many calculation inside, i'm using pointers and do all calculation outside the loop.
Optimization Steps:
* Insted of running throu draw_table and search for the ascii, i made a lookup table for 127 ascii's where unknown ascii's point to a "blank". This is done for small and big chars.
* For each ascii i use this pointer to the draw_table.pix array, which is only incremented for each pixel.
* The pointer to the image for every line of a ascii is updated by adding a line offset (line_offset).
* To point to the x,y-location of the next acsii i subtract a offset (next_char_offs).
* This all is done in one step for small and big characters.
small bugfixes included:
* prevent writing over right border
* initialize_chars() was called for each thread
Installation of Patch
Download the patch file. If it is packed as a gz or tar.gz unpack it first. Then copy it to the motion source directory and issue the command (assuming the patch file is called filename_of_patch_file.diff)
patch < filename_of_patch_file.diff
Then re-build Motion and test the patch.
Change History of Patch
- draw_textn.diff Initial revision
Integrated into the source tree and visible in daily snap 20050819.
KennethLavrsen - 19 Aug 2005