Motion - Feature Request 2005x 06x 01x 171033

Feature Request: child process labels via ARGV[0]


have forked child proccess indcate there status in ARGV[0], thus a better view of the current the state of things can be monitored more trivaly with ps ( like sendmail currently does ).

this can aid with "watchdog" monitoring also

-- EvilPete - 01 Jun 2005

Follow up


I do not understand your proposal. Please explain.

-- KennethLavrsen - 01 Jun 2005

changes to ARGV[0] are visible when you view the process table, this can make monitoring and debuging easier.

eg: with sendmail i see this on my process table:

  766  ??  SsJ    0:00.13 sendmail: accepting connections (sendmail)
 1051  ??  SJ     0:00.03 sendmail: server  conecting with [] startup (sendmail)
 1066  ??  SJ     0:00.01 sendmail: startup with [] (sendmail)

thus I can see the status of things

-- EvilPete - 08 Jun 2005

I think this is a bit exotic and I prefer that status is fetched on the http interface

-- KennethLavrsen - 24 Jun 2005
Topic revision: r5 - 24 Jun 2005, KennethLavrsen
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