Motion - Feature Request 2005x 10x 21x 024904

Feature Request: Digital Signatures for media generated by Motion


I've done a minor bit of digital forensics work and I know that keys, signatures, and checksums are big in that world. Perhaps we could have a running instance of Motion generate a private key in which it can create a signature for each of the movies (or images) it produces, then you could verify the signature of the movies. It would be in-memory only, no two instances would use the same key.. There are examples of such a thing on the net. One that comes to mind is dcfldd, which is a digital signature implemented dd for forensics use.

-- PeterS - 21 Oct 2005

Follow up


I think this will add a significant load to Motion.

If someone really needs to sign movies and pictures it should be done with an on_xxxx script.

-- KennethLavrsen - 18 Dec 2005

FeatureRequestForm edit

TopicTitle Digital Signatures for media generated by Motion
FeatureRequestStatus Rejected
SubmittedBy PeterS
Topic revision: r2 - 18 Dec 2005, KennethLavrsen
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