Motion - Feature Request 2006x 08x 22x 070750
You are here: Foswiki>Motion Web>FeatureRequests>FeatureRequest2006x08x22x070750 (22 Aug 2006, VittorioPellegrineschi)Edit Attach

Feature Request: When using multiple webcams, a option to limit access to 1 a time


I've 3 cheap webcam, on a usb 2 hub. (Linux slackware 10.2). Ive used 3 motion threads conf.

Each one works good. But if I use motion to check all, some webcam images are trashed perhaps for bandwith collision. I've tried to set up a simple webcam server, and if I access to one webcam a time they works good.

I've tried also to use the "minimum_frame_time" option and seems to works but I have tu use for one a minimum_frame_time 6, the other 5, the orther 7 ora bigger to prevent timeoverlap while accessing usbbus.

I thinks should be possible and easy to implemente an option that limit access to webcam to one each time, and then follow to next. a sort of serialization ...

Thanks! I'm tring now to move motion to get frames via cgi-bin wecam so I can limit it, but seems not so good...

-- VittorioPellegrineschi - 22 Aug 2006

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FeatureRequestForm edit

TopicTitle When using multiple webcams, a option to limit access to 1 a time
FeatureRequestStatus New
SubmittedBy VittorioPellegrineschi
Topic revision: r1 - 22 Aug 2006, VittorioPellegrineschi
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