Motion - Feature Request 2010x 04x 14x 082244

Feature Request: Migrating to libjpeg-turbo


As Motion uses libjpeg quite a lot, i think maybe using libjpeg-turbo will be a good idea.

On Core2 Quad 2.4Ghz / Linux x86-64 in my simple custom v4l2-to-mjpeg-avi capturing application i have a huge (up to 400%, cpu usage dropped from 40% to 12%) performance boost when switching from libjpeg to libjpeg-turbo. And because libjpeg-turbo is 100% API compatible with libjpeg-6, it's just a matter of switching the .so.

But i've not seen libjpeg-turbo beign packaged in any linux distro, so maybe we should bundle it with motion and using it instead of system's libjpeg?

It's homepage is:

-- IgorNovgorodov - 14 Apr 2010

Follow up

Hi Igor,

Thanks for this , looks very promissing , but at the moment we don't need to include in motion ... rather show how to build and let motion link against it.

It's very easy to get it from SVN , build it and later modify Makefile to let motion link with libjpeg-turbo.

-- AngelCarpintero - 25 Apr 2010


Fedora has deployed libjpeg-turbo as of F14:

It doesn't look like there were any issues, though motion is packaged through RPMfusion and not in Fedora directly (due to its ffmpeg dependency).

I agree it's a non-feature for motion - the user just needs to have libjpeg-turbo available when linking (or even at run-time).

-- MoritzBarsnick - 21 Jun 2011

Added support in motion GIT and SVN ( rev 544 )

e.g :

./configure --with-jpeg-turbo=/opt/libjpeg-turbo

Don't forget to add /opt/libjpeg-turbo/lib to /etc/ and run ldconfig before compiling motion.

-- AngelCarpintero - 30 Oct 2011

Topic revision: r5 - 30 Oct 2011, AngelCarpintero
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