Motion - Links To Motion Webcams
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You are very welcome to add a link and short description of your webcam below.

Kenneth Lavrsen's Webcam

Kenneth Lavrsen has 9 online webcameras in his garden. And you can rotate 3 of them.

The Mersey Motion Sensitive Webcam - Liverpool Bay, UK

Impressive view of oil rig and ships sailing by. More info on

Badger Cam North East England

Infra red garden camera with motion sensing revealing the night time habits of a wide variety of animals.

Weather-Cam Bochum, Western Germany

Camera looks westward, taking an image every 10 seconds. Every hour a movie is created.

Tiger CAM, The fattest cat on the Internet

8 Live video lines. Cameras all around my house, including one for my cat. 4 cameras have Pan and Tilt. LED sign Shoutbox. Line 7 (Front Door) cam uses Motion to monitor who goes in and out of the house.

Amthors Garden Cam

Colour CCTV, attached to a cheap BT878 4 input Card (Grandtech or so) with motion on SuSE 9.2. Actually, we have three cams, two CCTV on two cards (for the framerates sake...) and a net based web cam. All with motion 3.2.3, doing snapshots, timelapse and surveillance. To manage this, I've just created some jsp's to maintain the files and a streaming servlet to proxy everything thru port 80 of the web server. And of course, the good old cambozola. When I have some time I'll dig in to that, more then 4 fps is killing my desktop.

Candy-Net Cafe

4 live video cameras (but sometime cam3 or 4 has offline), use 1 card video with chip BT878 4 input (Fly Video EZ) with motion 3.2.9 on Ubuntu 7.10, server spac are Intel(R) Pentium(R) 4 CPU 1500MHz cache size: 256 K, RAM SDRAM133 256 MB, HARDDISK 80 GB x 2, ADSL 2M/512 Kbps, Dynamic DNS (Custom DNS), this system is in the small internet-cafe name "CANDY-NET" in Bangkok THAILAND.

A suburban webcam

A webcam in a suburban residential road in SW London, UK. Using motion on an old PII box acting as general server (web, mail, etc). Dynamic DNS, so may be slow to respond on occasion.

lliurealbir, my personal blog's ipcam

A personal blog camera looking through the window. Planned to mount it inside a free network node at the roof of the building.

Downtown Montreal Webcam

Running on 2 TrendNet TV-IP100 cameras, these webcams are pointed over Downtown Montreal. Includes 15 second updates, live feeds and time lapses.

Bird feeder in south of Spain

A netcam on bird feeder of my home, Cartagena (Spain), and other on the nest of canary. Include direct connection via JAVA application, access to the last video recording at FLV format and statistics of recording.

Blender Defender

Using a network camera, a computer running Motion, a blender, a strobelight, and some X10 devices, to teach a cat not to eat the plants on the kitchen table. This one is a good laugh.


"Linux video-doorbell" triggered by motion detected near some gates. The moving objects are displayed in "JPG" and "FLV" format. Using a P.C. based on Pentium IV / 1.700 Mhz / 512 MB RAM / Slax Linux / Kernel
More technical details are posted here :

Xanview - Cameras around a Home in the UK - user: demo pass: demo

Username: demo Password: demo - This is a commercial solution using motion's technology internally. Here's a shameless plug: visit for details smile

Kalety StreetCam

View to a 1-maja street in Kalety, Poland. Using a Compaq based on Pentium II / 350 Mhz / 128 MB RAM / CompactFlash (read only) boot / 2.4.31 kernel / cheap bt878 PCI Framegrabber.

TrackCam : Kartsport Wellington New Zealand

View of a kart racing track located at Kaitoki just north of Wellington, New Zealand. Best time to view is in the weekend when karts should be in view. Race day is 3rd Sunday of each month. Don't forget the timezone difference.

Connected via broadband wireless modem. Transfers images only during daylight hours to conserve bandwidth. Uses file size to determine if the images are nearly black. Stores at least 3 months of images.

Dortmund StreetCam

View to a street in Dortmund, Germany. Using a RaspberryPi and Microsoft HD-3000.

Sailing Club Webcam, UK

View of my Sailing Club in the UK. Cam is for monitoring river levels and boats in dinghy park, for members information. Powered by a Raspberry Pi, 12v battery, solar panel, and 3G dongle. Uploads to a Virtual Server at my workplace. Currently using two USB webcams, although a Edimax IP cam has been used but uses too much battery power for winter solar system.

Bonelli's Eagle Birth in captivity cam at GREFA

A set of cameras from GREFA's birth in captivity center at Majadahonda (Madrid, Spain). We use CCTV cams with a BT878 capturer and cambozola as client. You can see the nest of Bonelli's eagle, Golden Eagle, Black Vulture and a natural Lesser Kestrel colony in Sevilla la Nueva (Madrid).

Monitoring an analog power meter

A description of a setup that uses Motion to detect revolutions of my analog power meter.

Add your webcamera here in the same format as above.
Topic revision: r71 - 15 Mar 2015, JuanPabloDiaz
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