Motion - Support Question 2013x 09x 01x 104741

motion works, but does not show stream


Hi, I have a huge problem with motion. First of all, it worked great for over months 24/7 with my Raspberry Pi Rev.B. But all of a sudden, it didn't show me the stream anymore. If I open the adress ( it loads for a second and shows me the content of the site I had opened before in that window, it doesn't change. If I change the port to 8080 I can access the motion webconfig without any problems. I haven't changed the motion.conf, so this can't be the problem.

First, I thought it was a browser, or probably Java Problem. But I tried every Browser on 4 different computers and all do the same thing - nothing. Then I thought it should work local, so I tried both of the installed browsers from Raspbian Wheezy, Midori and Net Surf. With Midori, I get the same empty site, with Net Surf I get asked if I want to download a file. This file is getting bigger and bigger while downloading, so it seems to be the stream.

The strange thing is, with my Android Phone I can see the stream, but only with an IP Cam App. Mobile Chrome or any other browser doesn't work at all, it is the same with the desktop versions.

There are no error messages when I listen via "tail -f /var/log/messages or syslog"

I also tried a fresh install of Raspbian Wheezy, and installed just motion via apt-get, but it still doesn't work. Also, I even updated the firmware from the Raspberry Pi via rpi-update, but no change.

How can this be? I hope someone can help me, it worked for months, and now it doesn't show me the stream. Oh, and motion gets detected all the time, images are getting generated, and videos are being made from motion. All software, and the distro are up to date.

Please let me know if you need some information.

I can also connect via VLC to the cam, this works great. But, no Browser is working.


Motion version: 3.2.12
ffmpeg version: 0.8.6-6
Libraries: ffmpeg, mysql, postgresql
Server OS: Raspbian Wheezy 3.6.11
-- ChristopherStein - 01 Sep 2013


Chrome no longer supports raw MJPEG streams. They now have to be put in an html page inside an IMG tag:
Topic revision: r3 - 29 Oct 2013, DavidRadin
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