Motion - Support Question 2015x 06x 28x 233702

on_motion_end not working


Hi I'm trying to get my motion run a script once the video file has been created. I installed motion according to this:

My line in the motion.conf looks like this: on_movie_end /etc/motion/ Permissions are set to execute and the ownership was given to www-data, which is running the entire thing. I can run the script successfully as that user.

It works fine with on_picture_save, although it's running multiple instances of the script depending on the amount of pictures saved.

Cron is a bad idea because it might upload (what the script does) the movie when not done. I want the script to be run as soon as possible, because it's a surveillance camera. The script looks like this:

I couldn't get any debug logging to run so that I can see what happens when the script is executed. Hope you can help me out here!



Motion version: 3.2.12-3.4
ffmpeg version: 6:0.8.17-1+rpi1
Libraries: ffmpeg, mysql-common
Server OS: Linux raspberrypi 4.0.6+ armv6l GNU/Linux
-- FlyingPersian - 28 Jun 2015


Topic revision: r1 - 28 Jun 2015, FlyingPersian
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