Motion - Support Question 2015x 12x 07x 212420

Everything works except webcam port and motion detection


I've had Motion running for several years, connected to 9 IP cameras. It's all running on a Pogo Plug and has been working fine, until a while back we had a power outage. Now, motion still runs fine, but if I try to view a camera from the webcam port I get an "unable to connect" message. This is the same no matter which camera I try to view. Also, no motion files are recorded. My configuration files haven't changed. The Motion web console still works fine. I can start, stop, and etc. I can directly view the cameras via their IP ports specified in the netcam_url value, so I know the cameras are working. A sample config file is shown below; they are all very similar to one another.

Any ideas about why this is no longer working?


Edit: Additional clue: running netstat -nlp on the server shows that Motion is only listening on the console port (1800), none of the camera ports.

Thread 2

    setup_mode = off
    videodevice = /dev/video0
    v4l2_palette = 8
    input = 8
    norm = 1
    frequency = 0
    rotate = 0
    width = 640
    height = 480
    framerate = 4
    minimum_frame_time = 0
    netcam_url =
    netcam_userpass = (not defined)
    netcam_http = 1.0
    netcam_proxy = (not defined)
    netcam_tolerant_check = off
    auto_brightness = off
    brightness = 0
    contrast = 0
    saturation = 0
    hue = 0
    roundrobin_frames = 1
    roundrobin_skip = 2
    switchfilter = off
    threshold = 1000
    threshold_tune = on
    noise_level = 32
    noise_tune = on
    despeckle = EedDl
    area_detect = (not defined)
    mask_file = (not defined)
    smart_mask_speed = 7
    lightswitch = 60
    minimum_motion_frames = 2
    pre_capture = 3
    post_capture = 3
    gap = 50
    max_mpeg_time = 300
    output_all = off
    output_normal = best
    output_motion = off
    quality = 85
    ppm = off
    ffmpeg_cap_new = on
    ffmpeg_cap_motion = off
    ffmpeg_timelapse = 0
    ffmpeg_timelapse_mode = daily
    ffmpeg_bps = 500000
    ffmpeg_variable_bitrate = 10
    ffmpeg_video_codec = mpeg4
    ffmpeg_deinterlace = off
    snapshot_interval = 0
    locate = off
    text_right = %Y-%m-%d\n%T-%q
    text_left = Garage
    text_changes = off
    text_event = %Y-%m-%d-%H:%M:%S
    text_double = off
    target_dir = /srv/http/cams/garage
    snapshot_filename = %v-%Y%m%d%H%M%S-snapshot
    jpeg_filename = preview
    movie_filename = %v-%Y%m%d%H%M%S
    timelapse_filename = %Y%m%d-timelapse
    webcam_port = 1805
    webcam_quality = 80
    webcam_motion = on
    webcam_maxrate = 3
    webcam_localhost = off
    webcam_limit = 0
    track_type = 0
    track_auto = off
    track_port = (not defined)
    track_motorx = 0
    track_motory = 0
    track_maxx = 0
    track_maxy = 0
    track_iomojo_id = 0
    track_step_angle_x = 10
    track_step_angle_y = 10
    track_move_wait = 10
    track_speed = 255
    track_stepsize = 40
    quiet = on
    on_event_start = (not defined)
    on_event_end = (not defined)
    on_picture_save = (not defined)
    on_motion_detected = (not defined)
    on_area_detected = (not defined)
    on_movie_start = (not defined)
    on_movie_end = /usr/local/motion/ %f
    on_camera_lost = (not defined)
    sql_log_image = off
    sql_log_snapshot = off
    sql_log_mpeg = on
    sql_log_timelapse = off
    sql_query = INSERT INTO (server_number,camera_number,event_number,event_date,video_length,filename) VALUES (1,5,%v,{ts '%C'},null,'%v-%Y%m%d%H%M%S');
    mysql_db = cameras
    mysql_host = www
    mysql_user = motion
    mysql_password = <redacted>
    video_pipe = (not defined)
    motion_video_pipe = (not defined)


Motion version: 3.2.12
ffmpeg version: CVS ??
Libraries: ffmpeg, mysql, postgresql
Server OS: Arch Linux
-- DavidPowell - 07 Dec 2015


Topic revision: r1 - 07 Dec 2015, DavidPowell
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