Motion - Uvcvideo Dynctrl

uvcvideo & uvcdynctrl

uvcdynctrl is an application that comes with libwebcam

Today libwebcam 0.1.1 provides the following core features:

  • Enumeration of all cameras available in the system.
  • Provide detailed information about the detected devices and their controls.
  • Wrapper for the V4L2 frame format enumeration.
  • Convenient access to device controls.
  • Support for configuring the Linux UVC driver's dynamic controls (extension unit controls).

Here is a short instruction on how to compile the newest version ( please update when the whole procedure changes! ).

svn co -r178 uvcvideo
tar xfvj libwebcam-0.1.1.tar.bz2
cp uvcvideo/uvcvideo.h libwebcam-0.1.1/Common/include/.
cp uvcvideo/uvc_compat.h libwebcam-0.1.1/Common/include/.
cd libwebcam-0.1.1 ; mkdir build ; cd build ; cmake .. ; make
cd ../../uvcvideo ; make ; make install ; rmmod uvcvideo
modprobe uvcvideo

cd libwebcam-0.1.1/build/Apps/uvcdynctrl/
./uvcdynctrl -l
Listing available devices:
video0 UVC Camera (046d:0994)

Note that the svn co command checks out the specific version 178 of uvcvideo. If someone later want the latest and greatest (not always a good idea) then simply ommit the -r178

Authors: AngelCarpintero, ArnoWilhelm, KennethLavrsen
Topic revision: r3 - 07 Mar 2008, KennethLavrsen
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