Open2300 - Bug Report 2006x 01x 14x 104413

BUG: histlog2300 shows wrong rain_total value

The rain_total field stored in histlog2300 shows the wrong value. Line 230 has to be changed to

sprintf(logline,"%s%.2f ", logline, rain_total(ws2300, config.rain_conv_factor));

Questions to

Test case

compare rain_total with value displayed on weather station


Open2300 version: 1.10
Shared libraries: mysql
Server OS:  

-- TWikiGuest - 14 Jan 2006

Follow up

This proposed fix is not correct, It will add the latest rain data to the log file containing data gathered from the WS23XX internal log. That is not a correct fix.

There is another fix where you can place an offset between internal value and current displayed value.

I think the real fix should be something that calculates this offset itself.

-- KennethLavrsen - 19 Jul 2006

Fix record

BugReportForm edit

TopicTitle histlog2300 shows wrong rain_total value
BugStatus Assigned
AssignedBugTo KennethLavrsen
SubmittedBy Mathias Zuckermann
Topic revision: r2 - 19 Jul 2006, KennethLavrsen
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