Feature Request: Support WS2357-USB
I have successfully adapted open2300 V1.11 to the WS2357-USB station on ubuntu 12.04.3 32bits.
Please note that I only use fetch2600.
Here is my feed-back (most important first):
1) Connection PC-Station issue
Connection was unreliable: Many tries, failing with trace "read_safe() error: Success" were needed before random success.
After changing the parity I get 100% success:
- adtio.c_cflag &= ~PARENB; // No parity
+ adtio.c_cflag |= PARENB; // Parity
+ adtio.c_cflag |= PARODD; // Odd
Maybe the parity could be tunable in the config file?
2) The date format of fetch2300 is human readable but not convenient for processing by script and gnuplot
Could you please change the month as follows, so that we get the month number?
- strftime(datestring, sizeof(datestring),"Date %Y-%b-%d\nTime %H:%M:%S\n
+ strftime(datestring, sizeof(datestring),"Date %Y-%m-%d\nTime %H:%M:%S\n
Or make it configurable?
3) Fix compilation warning in xml2300.c
fprintf(fileptr, datestring);
+ fprintf(fileptr, "%s", datestring);
4) Need of mysql.h
My first attempt to compile mysql2300.c failed because mysql.h was missing.
Maybe you can add in the INSTALL that open2300 needs it and that it is often provided by mysqlclient-dev... package
Patch file is attached
PascalMalaise - 19 Oct 2013
Follow up