Patch Title
Hamweather patches to the subversion (trunk, revision 3) sources. Adds the ham2300.c program.
This patch adds a new program, ham2300, to the Open2300 suite of programs. ham2300 is based on wu2300, but provides data for accounts held at rather than Weather Underground.
Description of Patch
Patch updates sources to support Hamweather data provision. It's also necessary to have the ham2300.c source file (also attached) in place.
Installation of Patch
Checkout subversion sources to a directory, see
SubversionOpen2300 for details. Get the patch file and the ham2300.c file and place them into the directory (e.g. open2300) that you checked out the source in:
patch < hamweather-patch-svn_1.diff
Then build the new source tree with make.
Change History of Patch
hamweather-patch-svn_1.diff: initial release of patch to subversion source, applies to trunk revision 3.
i am having trouble getting this and open2300 functioning together, it no longer sends data
JosephLobocki - 15 Nov 2006
- ham2300.c: New source file for ham2300 program (required in addition to patch)