Open2300 - Support Question 2006x 11x 07x 175737

Usage of WU2300


I want to use the win binary as supplied in the download. The Operating System is W2K3 Server. Copied the exe and the config file to the directory where the Weather station puts it's data.

The program [seems] to be executing and is done in less than a second. That does not feel good ... no messages ... no errors ... but nothing seems to happen.

How do I know it has done the upload to wunderground succesfully? And how often do I need to this? Once a day, or every 5 minutes? Where will the data come from (file or station buffer)?

Will the new realtime url be supported? See:


Open2300 version: 1.10
Server OS: W2K3 Server

-- MartinKoster - 07 Nov 2006


Topic revision: r1 - 07 Nov 2006, MartinKoster
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