Open2300 - Support Question 2008x 03x 24x 220935

Will WS2350 work with Open2300?


I'm looking for my first weatherstation and it seems that this is maybee the only Opensource sw available for Linux. As the sw is created for some specific products I have a question. Would it work also with WS2350? The WS 2300 seems to be at the end of the lifecycle and it's my understanding that WS2350 is the replacement. Will Open2300 sw also work with the new WS2350. Another product that I'm concidering is Oregon WMR100, but as this unit is another brand I assume it will not work with Open 2300, right?


Open2300 version: 1.10
Libraries: mysql, postgresql
Server OS:  

-- StefanFors - 24 Mar 2008


I do not have access to a WS2350 but according to the MailingList some people seems to have successfully communicated with a 2350 using the open2300

See mailing list posting

Make sure to use the code from SubversionOpen2300. The 1.10 is known to be a bit buggy and I have not yet released a 1.11 (do not currently have my own Windows environment working to verify the code under windows).

-- KennethLavrsen - 25 Mar 2008

I confirm that this is working. Mine is working fine with open2300-1-10 (compiled locally) under Linuxand using RS232 (not using RS232-USB convertor included in the packaging).

-- KiwiHC16 - 2/9/2008
Topic revision: r3 - 02 Sep 2008, KiwiHC16
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