I have a problem with myslqhistlog2300 . Normally I use mysql2300 for store values but sometimes with downtime of my server is useful to restore data from datalogger . After a try i see that rain_total from datalogger is lower than rain_total show on console . I see 839.7 mm on console ( exact what is see from mysql2300 fetch2300 ) , if i run mysqlhistlog2300 i see lines in database with 548 mm . I see that there's a patch but if i understand is for a different problem ( when datalogger total_rain is > than console total ) . Is a bug or there's a solution ?
mysqlhistlog2300 is based on histlog2300. msql2300 is based on fetch2300. For some reason we all do not understand the histlog does delivered different values than fetch2300. You need to adjust the value of RAIN_OFFSET in the config file. Unfortunately you have to do this every time you reset the station.
I was working on a solution that calculates the offset automatically and writes the proper offset to the config file. Didnot find the time yet.
-- OschenLars - 22 Nov 2011