Motion - Bug Report 2005x 08x 05x 173526

BUG: Duplicate Images Output

I have motion-3.2.2_snap9. The bug seems to happen when motion is killed, and what seems to happen is that motion will create a duplicate of the last image saved for each thread and save it under a new filename. This seems to happen on all threads (2 composite cams and 1 usb). I have:'output_normal=best'. For example:
$ md5sum *.jpg
8e59728d4066c8f77879ccc13e9ed30f  1_20050805122646.jpg
8e59728d4066c8f77879ccc13e9ed30f  1_20050805122743.jpg

Test case


Motion version: 3.2.2_snap9
ffmpeg version: 0.4.9pre1
Shared libraries: curl, ffmpeg
Server OS: Slackware 10.1, Kernel 2.6.12-git8

-- AndrewHamilton - 05 Aug 2005

Follow up

Does it do it when you have output_normal = on or first?

No, it only seems to happen on output_normal = best.
-- AndrewHamilton - 06 Aug 2005

Fix record

Yes. There was a logical bug. When motion was killed a variable called makemovie was set and this forces an artificial end of event. And the code that saves a the best jpeg from an event did not check if there had actually been a new event.

This modification in motion.c fixed it

if (cnt->new_img==NEWIMG_BEST && cnt->preview_max) {
    cnt->preview_max = 0;

Fix included in motion-3.2.2

-- KennethLavrsen - 13 Aug 2005
Topic revision: r4 - 13 Aug 2005, KennethLavrsen
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