Motion - Bug Report 2006x 04x 02x 150440
You are here: Foswiki>Motion Web>BugReports>BugReport2006x04x02x150440 (05 Apr 2006, AngelCarpintero)Edit Attach

BUG: Noise settings stop jpeg recording

Having both noise_level and noise_tune set, motion will not try to record jpeg images to disk.

Test case

Following settings are used as an example. noise_tune can be set to on with same result.

noise_level 200 noise_tune off

Without running in daemon mode, motion shows no attempt to record images. Commenting out one of the settings and restarting motion fixes the issue.

EDIT: I am no longer able to duplicate this. The problem may have been tied to a different setting as well, or completely external. If it occurs again I will document it properly and report.


Motion version: 3.2.6
ffmpeg version:  
Shared libraries:  
Server OS: OpenWrt

-- JoeBush - 02 Apr 2006

Follow up

Ok , if that happens again and it can be reproducible please re-open this bug.

-- AngelCarpintero - 05 Apr 2006

Fix record

Topic revision: r3 - 05 Apr 2006, AngelCarpintero
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