Motion - Bug Report 2006x 05x 16x 085444
You are here: Foswiki>Motion Web>BugReports>BugReport2006x05x16x085444 (16 May 2006, AngelCarpintero)Edit Attach

BUG: Session timeout on netcam

Hello I'm using motion 3.2.6 with an Axis 240Q video server and 4 analog cameras over a Wireless link. Everything seems to work fine, but after some hours (it's pretty random) I don't get any images from the video server and motion reports "lost signal". Checking Axis 240 logs I can see this:

viewer[456]: Session timed out due to client inactivity.

Is it possible that motion lost connection and never tried to regain it?


Motion version: 3.2.6
ffmpeg version:  
Shared libraries: postgresql
Server OS: Mandriva 2006

-- MarcBalcells - 16 May 2006

Follow up

Did you take a look to motion logs ? I'm sure those logs could give you a clue .

If you look at netcam code you can see that motion retries to connect , unless there's any bug ( or i'm wrong ) it should happen forever.

-- AngelCarpintero - 16 May 2006

Fix record

Topic revision: r2 - 16 May 2006, AngelCarpintero
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