Motion - Bug Report 2006x 10x 10x 081903

BUG: MySQL does not reconnect if connection is dropped

If MySQL has a connection to a server and the server becomes unavaiable, it doesnt reconnect when the server is up again. Motion is still running, but nothing is written to the database.

I have a cvs version of Motion, but dont remember which one. The problem was there with 3.2.6 also though.
Oct 10 01:00:01 [motion] [5] Mysql query failed: Broken pipe
Oct 10 01:00:01 [motion] [2] Mysql query failed: Success
Oct 10 01:00:01 [motion] [1] Mysql query failed: Broken pipe
Oct 10 01:00:01 [motion] [3] Mysql query failed: Broken pipe
Oct 10 01:00:01 [motion] [4] Mysql query failed: Success


Motion version: 3.2.7
ffmpeg version: 0.4.9_p20060530
Shared libraries: ffmpeg, mysql
Server OS: kernel 2.6.12-gentoo-r10

-- GunnarSkjold - 10 Oct 2006

Follow up

Yes , that's a known issue. Motion needs a recover functions for database connection.

Let me some days to talk with Kenneth about it.

-- AngelCarpintero - 18 Nov 2006

Fix record

I think we need Motion to try and re-run the connection to MySQL when the connection is lost.

I have the feeling that the connection is normally lost because of a software bug in the MySQL code or other temporary glitches and that in 99.99% of the cases Motion could just reconnect and save what it has to save.

But if the MySQL server is temporarily down then I think it will be a feature overkill to try and save the SQL calls for when the server is up again. Then I would simply discard them.

So something like

  • Assume MySQL connection is established.
  • Write SQL statement.
  • If this failed try to reconnect.
  • If this reconnect fails give up and discard the SQL statement.
  • If reconnect is successful write the SQL statement to the database.

-- KennethLavrsen - 20 Nov 2006

Done , if you want to check the fix get latest svn version ( i did the commit in r143 ).

Reopen the bug if the problem remains .

-- AngelCarpintero - 21 Nov 2006
Topic revision: r5 - 21 Feb 2008, KennethLavrsen
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