Motion - Bug Report 2007x 03x 25x 184229
You are here: Foswiki>Motion Web>BugReports>BugReport2007x03x25x184229 (21 Mar 2010, AngelCarpintero)Edit Attach

BUG: wrong parse of various url strings

I'm new to this section, so I don't know if it is the right place to post the following; let me know... It can be this problem has already been fixed in latest version; I've not checked this.

I've noticed there are some url strings aren't parsed correctly; examples:

the url string http://user:pa/ is parsed in fields
  • service: http
  • user: user
  • pass: pass
  • host:
  • port: 80

the url string is parsed in fields
  • service: http
  • user: user
  • pass: pass@mydom
  • host:
  • port: 80
I think to solve these ones is enough to modify regular expression used; the actual regular expression used is:


the new one should be:



Motion version: 3.2.7
ffmpeg version:  
Shared libraries:  
Server OS: Mandriva 2007, kernel 2.6.17-5mdv

-- PietroVitelli - 25 Mar 2007

Follow up

What is wrong on ?

I'm not sure if for instace pass@mydom is valid as login or password when you used in url :


Anyway it seems fine for me to include your fix despite is quite strange that someone want to use a login or password that contains:

 / : @

-- AngelCarpintero - 27 Mar 2007

Fix record

No included.

-- AngelCarpintero - 21 Mar 2010

BugReportForm edit

TopicTitle wrong parse of various url strings
BugStatus Rejected
AssignedBugTo Angel.Carpintero
SubmittedBy PietroVitelli
Topic revision: r4 - 21 Mar 2010, AngelCarpintero
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